EI Talks...

Each week, we interrogate the most important and contentious issues of our time. Hosted by Paul Lay and Alastair Benn.

A jigsaw puzzle from the early nineteenth century, bearing representations of the Kings and Queens of England from William I to George IV.
An advert on the Nike store at Oxford Circus.
Ronald Reagan at the Durenberger Republican convention Rally, 1982.
Music scores.
A cartoon of John Law (1671–1729), the Scottish economist who was appointed Controller General of Finances of France under King Louis XV.
Nikolaos Gyzis, a 19th Century painter, depicts Sappho playing the lyre.
Gathering of the Areopagus, a deliberative court that met in the open air in ancient Athens.
Turner's Vesuvius in Eruption.
The Martyrdom of St Ursula, 1610. By Caravaggio.