EI Talks...

Each week, we interrogate the most important and contentious issues of our time. Hosted by Paul Lay and Alastair Benn.

Ronald Reagan at the Durenberger Republican convention Rally, 1982.
Music scores.
A cartoon of John Law (1671–1729), the Scottish economist who was appointed Controller General of Finances of France under King Louis XV.
Nikolaos Gyzis, a 19th Century painter, depicts Sappho playing the lyre.
Gathering of the Areopagus, a deliberative court that met in the open air in ancient Athens.
Turner's Vesuvius in Eruption.
The Martyrdom of St Ursula, 1610. By Caravaggio.
First prize winner at the Covent Garden fancy dress ball in 1905, a lady dressed in an elaborate costume as the Entente Cordiale.
Anarchist outrage at the Liceo theatre in Barcelona, 1893.