Episode 140
EI Weekly Listen — Gudrun Persson on rewriting Russian history
In modern Russia, the past is being rewritten to suit Vladimir Putin's script. Read by Lei...
September 24, 2023
A series of audio essays featuring our writers.
In modern Russia, the past is being rewritten to suit Vladimir Putin's script. Read by Lei...
September 24, 2023
The intellectual dark web will, most likely, be a flicker in history, a reminder of when t...
September 15, 2023
Dying to defend territory is an ancient human need - but war in the 21st century may not f...
September 8, 2023
A defence of capitalism will have to rest first and foremost on an appeal to ethics, oblig...
September 1, 2023
Our information-rich civilisation is not superior or inferior to the pre-literate world of...
August 25, 2023
The internet and social media were supposed to democratise knowledge and unite the world. ...
July 21, 2023
This celebration of wealth, its frequent elevation to an almost religious level, and its j...
July 14, 2023
Even with all its data and technology, contemporary conflict fits uneasily with our defini...
July 3, 2023
Warfare made the early modern state. Read by Leighton Pugh.
June 26, 2023