EI Weekly

A series of audio essays featuring our writers.

Battle of Waterloo
This map of Russia and surrounding countries highlights Hitler's campaign in Russia and how it went wrong.
Pope Francis with his weekly audience in St. Peter's Square, Vatican City, in 2018. Credit: Massimo Wallichia / Getty Images.
The Flammarion Wood engraving. The image is often used as a metaphorical illustration of either the scientific or the mystical quests for knowledge.
Ecological skyscraper in Milan.
Construction of highway, eighteenth century France Engineers on horseback inspecting the work, a painting Claude-Joseph Vernet, 1775. Credit: Lebrecht Music & Arts / Alamy Stock Photo.
The Vessel at Hudson Yards, New York City. Credit: robertharding / Alamy Stock Photo.
Ma Yuan's The Yellow River Breaches its Course, from a series of paintings of water
'Young America rescues Europe!', declares a French cartoon from 1918. Credit: Pictorial Press Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo.