History Lessons

Hosted by Mattias Hessérus – features interviews with leading historians and authors.

The GCHQ building in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Credit: David Goddard / Getty Images.
Russian President Vladimir Putin with military intelligence officials at the GRU building, 2006. Credit: Dmitry Astakohv/AFP via Getty Images.
John F. Kennedy sitting in his signature rocking chair in the Oval Office. Creidt: © CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images.
German soldiers march through France early in the war. Credit: Popperfoto via Getty Images.
History Lessons by Engelsberg Ideas
An American soldier passes the ruins of a temple in Hue, Vietnam, 1968. Credit: Bettmann Archive / Getty Images.
Robert Maxwell, left, celebrating the first edition of 'The European' in 1990 with Maurice Levy of Publicis. Credit: Michel Turpin / Sygma via Getty Images.